Thursday, January 5, 2012

No more winter soaking!!!

Great News!! Dr. Johnson said I don't have to soak every two weeks while I'm hibernating. Yippee, Skippy!! I'm so happy I could just, uh, well, you know I'm hibernating, so I guess snoring is the appropriate happy response.

Now I get to stay cozy and dry in my burrow until I decide to come out to look around and get a drink myself, maybe next month. The days are already getting longer and my body will start adjusting accordingly due to the amazing, complicated internal regulatory systems of tortoises that bromate (similar to hibernation but for tortoises). We know exactly how long each day is and our bodies change hormones, calcium levels, and other blood chemicals to accommodate each season.

Right now I'm blogging via Cacti WiFi so I didn't come out for a new photo. But here's a reminder of my winter digs, so you'll know just how comfortable I am right now. I am so grateful to not be disturbed until I'm ready to start waking up in another month or three. I am pretty lazy in the Spring, but I will come out and bask on warm, sunny days to rev up my nervous system for more activity later on.

Thanks for letting me sleep, Dr. Johnson. My dreams will be all sweet now... Zzzz....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's soak a total bust

Ok, I was good to start out the New Year. I did my 15 minutes of soaking in the blue soaking pan. Here's actual photo evidence that my cloaka was underwater. But I weighed 3166 grams before I soaked, and I weighed 3166 grams after. So my tortoise mom will call Dr. Johnson to ask if he thinks it's still worth disturbing me every two weeks to soak when I'm just not taking in any water. Between you and me, I really hope he says no. Besides, it's clear my weight is stable. I'm just not taking in water to increase it.

It was 54 degrees inside my burrow today, but 81 degrees outside. They tried not to disturb me but I woke up and looked all around, wondering why they keep waking me up when I just want to stay in my nice, dark, cool burrow. So I'm back in my favorite corner of the burrow, hoping I don't have to get soaked in another two weeks. Dr. Johnson, please let me off the hook! Your friend, Grandma