It's that time of year and we're having trouble fooling my internal clock. I stopped eating my leafy greens three days ago and I've been agitated and looking for a place to burrow. So my tortoise mom called Dr. Johnson this morning to discuss what's going on with me since I don't seem to be in physical distress otherwise. That's a polite way of saying that the hay and water from my feeding tube are coming through just fine. Plus I'm alert and breathing fine. But I am showing an exaggerated startle response which is a clue that my body is slowing down.
Dr. Johnson said to block all outdoor light near me as it could be triggering my brain to brumate (the reptile version of hibernation). So maybe all those recent romps around the Christmas tree and peeking through the patio door weren't such a good idea after all? Maybe they gave me exercise but also reminded my body that it's really not summer.
So they've blocked out the window in the bathroom and added more bright artificial light to my UV light during the day in hopes my body will reset to its summer metabolism instead of responding to this big winter solstice signal. Did you know that while mammals hibernate through a complicated process of regulating body temperature, reptiles simply slow down all metabolic activity? That's why we don't need much oxygen in the burrow all winter.
Ooooh, I'm having a tough day. It's like tortoise detox as I shred newspaper while trying to get out of my tub, because I really just want to snuggle in my backyard burrow. I haven't figured out that it's not going to happen, and I'm pretty determined, so I guess we just have to wait until this extra artificial light and heat go to work on my nervous system. I do calm down when my tortoise mom or dad pat me and talk to me. So I'm sure they'll help me through this metabolism revving up process. But no peeking out windows for me anymore until it really is June!