Friday, November 20, 2009

Urates R Us!

I've had quite a week. The temperature dropped and I thought about hibernating so they cranked up the infrared light for overnight heat. Suddenly it's June 21 again.

Then I got a new batch of Oxbow Critical Care, which is really powdered hay and vitamins mixed up for my feeding tube. But this batch just isn't the same and I haven't been as sweet or interested in anything, including my favorite lettuce and cartoons. So they're making a switch tonight. Yay!

But the big thing I did was "express my bladder" on Wednesday. It's something I should have been doing to flush out the urates so I wouldn't have a bladder stone. But six weeks after the surgery, let's just say I outdid myself. My tortoise mom e-mailed a photo of the urates in question to Dr. Johnson to ask if this was normal or of any concern. He assured her that I was just doing my tortoise business in thorough fashion. You'll notice that there's no photo and I think the towel I "expressed myself" on is still out in the back yard. Evidently no one knew I could be so expressive as it caused quite a stir. But I plan to do more of that so I won't ever need surgery for a bladder stone again!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thanks, Tortoise Dad!

I really enjoy dining, in ladylike fashion, on romaine with a hibiscus flower for either appetizer or dessert--sometimes both! Let's see, does a flower on the right side of the shell mean I'm available?

When I get to go back outside next summer, I'll find three new hibiscus plants covered with red flowers. Plus we're getting a replacement Desert Willow tree because I love all the sweet pink flowers it drops all summer. Thanks, Tortoise Dad, for giving me such a nice yard to live in. I can hardly wait to see it. But I've got a lot of healing to do indoors until then.


This is what I do when they talk about health reform on C-Span. I say: Get 'er done! And, Where's SpongeBob? He is far more entertaining for me. Maybe we should tortois-ize the remote so I'll perk up and be more active.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm in good hands with Dr. Johnson!

I spent the day at Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital last week, and boy, it really pooped me out. Dr. Johnson decided to wait on replacing my surgical patch until December. But I got a thorough check-up. My weight is holding steady but I need to gain more. I've been eating a lot on my own but I'll get a larger dose of Oxbow Critical Care in my feeding tube now, plus less water. We do know my bladder is working well again!

Dr. Johnson wants me to exercise more so I guess I'll be exploring the kitchen more now. I do like the new brooder light that warms up the towels and rugs for my "laps."

I don't mind riding in the car and I even eat romaine leaves in my travel box. Too bad there are no hay salad drive-throughs!