We are delighted with the new burrow now that it's all finished. It stays a steady at 84-88 degrees inside whether it's 70 degrees overnight or 107 during the day. Tortoise Dad added a lot more dirt (nature's insulation), plus a little shrub by the entrance to boost humidity. Before he did that, when the weather heated up to 110, we were trying to dig under the globemallow and Mexican evening primrose to cool down a bit. But it wasn't enough and we were pretty miserable. So we really appreciate our new, cool digs. The new burrow even has a screen for extra shade and privacy. Thanks, Tortoise Dad!!
The other day I put my face right in the drip sprayer in the new desert willow tree just to see what it was like. But today I got down to business and actually drank the water. I've been soaking in my little blue pan every week, but I sure won't drink from it, so it's strictly a "cloaka intake" thing. But I do like the fresh water spraying in the tree well. Plus it turns on like magic every morning!
After my drink, I sat under the Littleleaf Cordia where the ground is always covered in a flurry of small, white flowers. Mmmm, they are my favorites! That's what I ate before my surgery last September because I wasn't well enough to bite off anything else like grass, leaves, hibiscus. Now I'm rediscovering how delicious those little white flowers are. Since the weather started cooling yesterday, and the wind is blowing, fresh white flowers made a thick carpet under the cordia. I spent more than 2 hours "vacuuming" them up. Meanwhile Tortellini showed up just long enough to eat my romaine in record time and then scooted back in the burrow. She's not a gourmand like me.
There's more good news: even before I ate and drank this morning, I still weighed in at 3190 grams so I'm at least holding steady. With a few more grazing sessions like today, I'll start feeling like my old self BBS (Before Bladder Stone)!
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