This is what happens when a sticky syringe encounters a little extra pressure in the feeding tube: Hay "pesto" goes SPLAT! Seriously, there's a lot of washing up involved.
This messy little incident started the day. Then I upped the ante by pushing through the barricade during my outdoor exercises and making a break for the burrow. I thought I was home free, but they caught me just a few feet from the burrow. I can march pretty fast when I know exactly where I'm going. No stopping for snacks or sniffing globemallow, I do not pass "go", just keep making a beeline for the burrow entrance..... RATS, they caught me. But it was great fun while it lasted.
I've been staying outside for more than an hour on most warm days, but my cover is blown now and I'll get more supervision and a stronger barricade to keep me out of trouble.
Only two more weeks until I see Dr. Johnson again. If he says my feeding tube can come out after more than seven months of twice daily feedings, we'll all do a Happy Dance. And then, once my neck heals where the feeding tube is stitched in, I'll get to make a beeline for the burrow with a whole cheering section.